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That One Thing

Tom Barnett shares where to find “that one thing”.



We’ve all been there. It’s marketing’s best asset: We believe “that one thing” will solve our problems.

It sounds like it was made by God himself, just for us. It’s exactly what we’ve been looking for!
Despite evangelistic praises of Product A or Lifestyle B, fortunately for you, it doesn’t exist.

If life were that easy, it would be boring. “That one thing” always comes with a price tag. Buy this powder, that course, this program, this procedure, that pill, this pilgrimage, and these magic beans. Your problems will dissolve when you hand over money.

“If you don’t take responsibility for yourself, someone else will and it won’t be to your benefit.”

Tom barnett

The paradox is that we have “that one thing” all the time. It’s called intuition.
A friend of mine ate nothing but grapes for a month, because she read an advertorial written by a ‘doctor.’ That was a great experience. It wasn’t because of the abundant quantities of grapezoids that she consumed (a compound found only in grapes, essential to every process in the body*). It was a great experience because she learned she has the discipline to eat only grapes for a month.

If you asked a child (who hasn’t unlearned intuition) if it was a good idea to eat only grapes for a month, what would they say?

– Tom Barnett

*I made grapezoids up, but doesn’t it sound like every marketing blurb you’ve read?


Beartaria Times Member Shares History and Benefits of Haymaker’s Punch

Today, we saw a post that will be very beneficial in the coming summer heat, especially for those out in the fields!



Whether it’s valuable resources or witty fun, we find great content on our community app every day. Today, we saw a post that will be very beneficial in the coming summer heat, especially for those out in the fields!
Numismaticbear shared a post introducing some of us to Switchel, also known as Haymaker’s Punch!

This sounds like a great beverage to put together!

Thanks for sharing Numismaticbear!

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Something Your Baby Will Be Happy With

I tried EC for one week, and I’m never going back.



I tried EC for one week, and I’m never going back. Elimination communication allows your baby to relieve themselves outside their diapers and for you to be in tune with their bathroom needs just as you do with knowing when they are hungry.

This can lead to caregivers becoming more in tune with the baby, giving the baby the option of hygiene, cutting down on waste/laundry, and assisting in earlier toilet training. In many countries today, EC is the standard instead of disposable diapers, just without the fancy name.

Do you use the restroom when you wake up or leave to go somewhere? Well, so does baby, and this is the concept of the four easy catches. If it all sounds complicated, just using time and transition to your advantage is a great place to start. The “four easy catches” are offering the baby the potty upon waking up, at diaper changes, signs of effort, and during the transition (getting in and out of something such as the car seat or baby carrier).

For Mothers (or other caregivers) familiar with EC but have yet to try it because it sounds too daunting, I encourage you to try it!
Before my daughter was born, I knew I wanted to use cloth diapers and implement EC. But I wanted to do these things as they came organically and not force myself if it brought more stress than benefit. By three weeks, I was using cloth diapers, and by 6 1/2 weeks, I began EC with her.
In the first week, my baby had only a few poopy diapers. She usually lets me know when she needs to go. Sometimes, I miss it, and sometimes, I put her on the potty, and nothing happens. It is important to remember why you started and not focus on the misses.

While this article wasn’t meant to be a complete study on the subject, I did want to introduce others to the practice or share my positive experience with those aware of EC.

Many resources online cover the subject in depth, I encourage mothers to read around if this is new to you.
I just wanted to share that it works! I took it slow and still utilize diapers, but I am super happy I began to try and implement EC.

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Just Crushing

Bees Know Best

Bees are truly a marvelous part of God’s creation and one I draw inspiration from daily as I begin the journey of tending to their homes and lives.



By: Pie Lady Bear

I will often sit and watch them. The importance of their continuous coming and going is apparent even at a distance. Bees are truly a marvelous part of God’s creation and one I draw inspiration from daily as I begin the journey of tending to their homes and lives.

The substances that a hive uses to sustain and thrive are ones that we can also greatly benefit from, and, as the winter weather sets in and lips become chapped, were the illumination behind an impromptu batch of lip balm that you may also find useful!

Beeswax; If you can find it from a local beekeeper, who has taken it from a brace comb that is built in awkward places or melted down frames that are no longer in use, the benefit is the added propolis which is a glue-like material made by the bees from tree resins to seal cracks in their hive and contains exceptional healing properties as well as smelling incredible. My husband, DreadNaught Bear, has been making healing salves with beeswax, pine resin, and sunflower oil long before I began keeping bees. You can find his recipe in the second issue of the Beartaria Times Magazine to cure all that ails you! Beeswax can also be found at a local health food store or taken from pure beeswax candles.

Coconut oil; I prefer organic and use it in my cooking as well, so it’s worth buying a jar.

Peppermint oil; I only added three drops for the small glass jar of lip balm as using more would cause a slight burning sensation and takes away from the amazing smell of the beeswax.

I made my lip balm in a small jar that is placed in a pot on the stove with about an inch of water surrounding it and a covered lid. Turn on low heat and frequently check until the wax and coconut oil have melted, then add the few drops of peppermint oil, stir and allow to cool. That’s it! So simple, and depending on the amount you would like to make or the size of your container, I went with a ratio of 2:1 coconut oil to wax, and that made for a smoother consistency. God Bless the Bears as we strive to focus our lives around the good, the true, and the beautiful 🤎


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