Crushfest 2021
“It was an amazing time. An event to be treasured. Excellent food and excellent conversations with new friends that felt like old friends. A recipe for a better America.” – Jarrod (Teddy) Bear
I never thought it would lead to such greatness, when Longbow Bear called me to tell me that Jarrod (Teddy) Bear and Callista Bear were stopping to have dinner nearby on their way home from a road trip. I hopped in the car and rushed off to meet them. Longbow found a place where we could sit down for dinner. I showed up late and walked downstairs, greeted by the bears to hugs all around! Outside of a brief moment of pure rage upon hearing Teddy Bear’s (Boston) accent, we jumped right into what turned out to be one of the best times I’d had all year.
During dinner, we started talking about the meetup I had hosted on New Year’s weekend. That time, it was 20 or so of us and it was great! We also talked about my love of fireworks, and I told Callista, “I wish I was a planner, because I would love to do a big party for the 4th of July with a big fireworks show.” Well, Boss Lady Callista thought it was an awesome idea and happily stated how much she loves to plan parties. She said that she would plan and I would do the fireworks. We imagined how great it would be if we got 50 people to come. And, that’s how it started.
The thing about meeting bears—you feel like you’ve known ’em for years. We get each other’s jokes, have pretty much the same values, and while there is plenty of disagreement over certain topics, no one ever gets triggered. Coming from VERY different world of NYC, it warms my heart knowing that I am not alone. Feels good, man.
Now take those good vibes and warm heart, multiply it by 6 million, and you might have an idea of how wonderful I felt on the weekend of Crushfest 2021. From beginning to end it was nothing short of fantastic. I say this without any reservation whatsoever; the bears are the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. Coming from 20+ states, they brought their families, food, presents and games. Many started with handshakes and finished with hugs. We have something very special here in this community, and I will be grateful for it until the day I die and afterward…allegedly.
Once word got out, bears started volunteering time, money, and services to make it happen. Of those who helped out, there’s way too many to name. But, Copper Bear deserves special mention. She was vital in making our first Crushfest a huge success. She and many others showed up a couple of days in advance just to help out.
“One of my favorite memories of the party was the day before the fireworks show there was an intimate crew of around 20 people getting the grounds prepared. As the men were dragging brush, I was on a mission to make sandwiches. I knew they would be hungry. The sky was grey and threatening. Thunderstorms were on the horizon. I could smell the rain creeping up… Right as I was finishing up the second tray, the rain poured over the earth in a monsoon. Everyone made for cover in this summer storm and welcomed the meal readied for them.”
– Copper Bear
Copper Bear (Seen right)
The kid’s games were adorable as the parents watched dutifully in gratitude to share a day with them and the people they love. Frisbees made especially by Finksburg Bear soared through the sky.
DASack Bear held a chicken culling workshop.
Even Bearapalegic’s coffee made it up the stairs and into pots of coffee, which kept the crew going and warmed our conversations.
The time with all the bears was richly rewarding. Mohawk Farmer Bear provided a large pig, freshly roasted by Longbow. (Best pig I’ve ever tasted in my life!)
Rebeca Bear’s shipment of avocados was made into guacamole (thanks to Copper managing the kitchen!).
The delta team was hard at work setting up the pyro-musical that featured Anchor Bear’s song “Onward to Beartaria.”
Copper insisted, “next show, bear produced music only,” and that’s exactly what we plan to do!
The highlight of the games was an epic tug-of-war match, featuring two teams: the Bearded and the Unbearded (shorter than 2”). We don’t have to tell you how that ended.
Even for a Bear meet-up though, Crushfest 2021 was unique. It was the biggest meet-up yet, there was every kind of July 4th entertainment you could want – fireworks, a slip & slide, an Ira piñata, a game of Find a Rogan in the Haystack. AJ Rhino/Rhino Bear absolutely knocked it out of the park. His garden was also one of the most inspiring “homestead goals” I’ve seen in my life. I am so so grateful for the bears & for Crushfest 2021. – SpiceBear
There was axe throwing and a slip & slide. But, nothing topped the Campfire hang outs that lasted till 2am. Seasoned bears helped give new bears their bear names; building and maintaining the fire as it would wane, we shared life stories. There, we really got to know each other. All of this with the backdrop of the Amish Paradise of Pennsylvania.
And, this is only the beginning.
Crushfest 2021 was the ultimate bear bash! It felt like a long lost family reunion. The food was so fresh and amazing. I’ve never seen that much meat outside of a Hawaiian luau. Like Spice Bear said, ‘It’s like a music festival for people who’ve got their stuff together.’ My husband still hasn’t stopped talking about the fireworks show being the best he’s even seen. The most remarkable thing though, was the instant camaraderie with bear friends new and old, and the wonderful, peaceful feeling of being among your own tribe! – Jerusha McBear
We were there for over 6 hours and it wasn’t nearly enough time to meet and interact with everyone. The people I did talk to were interesting and we always had a lot in common. The biggest thing for me though, was the family environment that helped my wife feel more engaged with the bears and to make some friends. – SackBear
When God drops the veils from your eyes and you see through all the lies of this world the next hand the devil tries to deal you is fear, loneliness and isolation. He wants you to believe you are all alone in a crazy world, I know because he played this hand in my life and I called his bluff. You are never meant to be an island, find your tribe, find your hill to grow on. I’ve found mine. Honored to be a part of this community, honored to call myself a Bear. – LongbowBear
I love bear meet ups. I have traveled over 20,000 miles to attend bear meet ups to meet around 300 bears and their families. I have hosted two bear meet ups at my home this year. This is what connects us all. Find bears in your area and hang out. – Copper Bear
Crushfest 2021 was my first Bear meet-up. I was so glad I found out about it when I did. I knew it would be awesome, but it still really floored me. There is nothing like being with the Bears in person. Virtual friendship doesn’t come close. It really isn’t every day you come across people who think the same way you do. It feels like a social weight lifted off your chest. And now it’s like socialization itself has been revolutionized for me. Bear meet-ups will fill your heart with hope like nothing else can and utterly restore your faith in humanity. – SpiceBear
Overall, there were over 100 Bears that celebrated victory over fear and sharing joy with one another. It was a grand time; truly a night to remember. – Ukrainian Bear
What crushfest meant to me was community…It meant good food, faith, friendship and family. It was another example that we are not alone and there are plenty of people who see the world the way I do. It meant I could let my kids be free to play and explore and know that they were safe and with good people and well raised friends. It was a break from the chains of Babylon that some of us haven’t been able to escape yet. But most of all, it meant, no one is having more fun than us and no one is having more kids than us. – Camera Bear
All of the families with children did amazing! The kids found their own fun, made friends, and we’re so joyful! There was so much thought put into all of the activities for the kids and there were great people to talk to everywhere you turned! – Family Force Bear
I spent several moments throughout the day just watching my kids playing or my husband chatting away, soaking it all in and feeling pure joy. And that’s what this Bear community is to me. Nourishment for my soul, encouragement in my path, and pure joy in my heart. – SokeyDokeyBear
Hi! I’m Zeel, PAsnowboard Bear’s sister-in-law. I just wanted to say that the crushfest was amazing and something very different then I’d seen before. It’s amazing that everyone meets online and has their own talents and interests…but at the end everyone is a big family and it’s like you’ve known these people for a long time. I had a great time! – Zeel P.
God Bless Beartaria