By: Filipina Bear
Hi, my name is Roselle, AKA Filipina Bear.
Back in Sept 2022, I decided to go “all-in” on baking everything naturally —meaning, leavening bread only with a sourdough starter and not instant yeast or active yeast bought from a store.
The road to mastery is paved with failure —I know that already. But I wanted to get good fast. I just wanted it to be like second nature. Mainly because I wanted to make everything from scratch for my family. You just can’t fully trust what you buy at the store at all.

To master something in a short period of time, you need to fail fast and often.
If it were three years ago, I’d have staged (an unpaid internship) at some local bakeries. A month of baking 100 loaves a day will hone your skills fast!
But I’m a mom now, and I need to be able to control my schedule. I can’t just take off to bake bread all day.
So I did the next best thing.
I did the max I could do with the equipment I had in my tiny kitchen.
I baked 4-6 loaves of sourdough every day. Lots of trial and error. Lots of lessons learned —what to do, what not to do, what I could do next time, etc.
There’s a lot of ground to cover, but I’ll keep it as concise as I can for my first article here.
Let’s get started.

The sourdough process
In the simplest explanation, sourdough bread baking is just mixing your dry ingredients in with your wet, let it ferment until it’s almost double in size, shape it and then bake it.
This is literally what the “no-knead” or “overnight” method is.
It’s the lazy man’s sourdough —where you mix everything and don’t do anything until the very end.
If you choose to make bread this way, that’s literally all there is —mix, wait, shape and bake.
Is it too good to be true? Lazy-man’s sourdough?
You can take your chances with the no-knead / overnight method. It’s worthwhile to do it at least once.
But just like everything in life, nothing is as easy as it seems. There is no free lunch.
If you can make the “no-knead” or “overnight” sourdough method work for you —more power to you!
I would do it if you’re in a pinch and need bread but don’t have time to do all the steps.
If you want to know the full process in detail, please continue onto my new website, where I give you step-by-step instructions, including detailed pics and videos:
Click here -> How To Make Sourdough Bread