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Beartaria Ozark Campground Kicks Off This Year’s Campaign!

By supporting the project, you’re not just getting a cool item, but also directly supporting Beartaria Ozark Campground and getting exclusive discounts.



As our esteemed readers are well aware, the 2022 Beartaria Times National Festival was a resounding success, a testament to the vibrant spirit and active participation of our community. This triumph led to a unique opportunity for our community leaders to purchase the 183-acre parcel of land that hosted the event.

The local community, our gracious hosts, were not only delighted to witness a surge in economic activity but also to experience the festival’s positive cultural influence. Their warm reception and support were instrumental in making the event a grand success.

Who could blame them? A dry, family-friendly festival focused on self-awareness, self-reliance, and great times?!?! Even local churches were happy to see new guests in the area who took a break from the festival on Sunday to support the local congregations.
The festival even employed some locals who helped greet our community coming to Missouri!
The campaign to build a campground is about 30% complete, with the purchase of 53 acres, the hunting cabin, and a red barn. The land is being used to keep hay production going and raise cattle!

Dozens of festival-goers packed in the bed of trucks to be bussed to the fields where they were whipped by the Missouri Sun as they loaded hay!
As we step into 2024, the campaign for the Beartaria Ozark Campground project gains momentum. We look to our community, our pillars of strength, to continue their invaluable support as we strive to help acquire 40 additional acres, renew the lease on the remaining land, and potentially help build much-needed facilities for the festival.

Beartaria Ozark Campground has launched a new avenue to donate with new rewards for anyone that seeks to support the project and gain the perks of being a supporter!
Exclusive Made in The USA, Beartaria Ozark Campground Merch is now offered to new donors of the project, with an exclusive $400 Off for existing donors!

The Merch will be a signifier of support to Bears realm wide, and will also be a way for the festival to offer discounts to founding members.

Beartaria doesn’t want anything for nothing, and this can help incentivize new donors who may not be able to attend the festival or encourage existing donors to continue supporting the project with new rewards.

Here at The Beartaria Times we are obviously huge supporters of this project and look to do our part. We have about 750 Magazines left of the 12,000+ that we printed and sent world wide, so we have decided to contribute them as rewards for anyone that jumps in to do their part!

Beartaria Ozark Campground hopes to acquire a couple hundred new donors each year to meet the yearly requirements or rally existing donors to continue their support.

We’re excited about the new merchandise! Not only does it look great, but it also has the potential to significantly boost the fundraising efforts for 2024. By supporting the project, you’re not just getting a cool item, but also directly supporting Beartaria Ozark Campground and getting exclusive discounts.

Let’s do our part and get this done!


The Beartaria Times

Support Beartaria Ozark Campground at,

Just Crushing

Map it! – Discover Beartarians Living, Working, and Crushing Near You!

We were embarking on a 3,000-mile journey from North Carolina to California, then another 1,000 miles north to settle in Idaho



When the map first launched, I found it incredibly captivating to zoom in and out, observing the myriad numbers representing real people, living real lives, just like mine! It added a tangible dimension to the sense of community I already felt within the app. By displaying the number of like-minded individuals on a map, it quantified the reassuring knowledge that I’m not alone in my values or on this journey. Boom! There are more of us, more of ME! It just felt so great!

Initially, I created a listing, filling out only minimal information, and then I got caught up in the everyday bustle of life. It was more than a year before the map crossed my mind again. I didn’t even take the time to update my location when I moved cities a couple of times.

However, circumstances eventually led me back to the map, with a greater purpose than simply marveling at the numerical proof of Beartarians nearby. I found myself facing a long drive with my Mom, Sister, and our cat Leo. We were embarking on a 3,000-mile journey from North Carolina to California, then another 1,000 miles north to settle in Idaho. We wanted to make the trip more than just a monotonous trek from hotel to rest stop to Airbnb; we wanted to meet fellow bears along the way.

Armed with our trip plans, we compared our route to the listings on the map, estimated our travel windows, and began reaching out to connect. Unlike my initial listing effort, Joe Gagan (telecaster bear) provided his name as it appears in the app and also shared his Instagram profile. We were able to share our plans and received a invite to stop in, for not just a hello or a meal, but to spend the night and use the guest bedrooms.

Joe and his beautiful partner Kalena (elusive bear) was the purest experience I have ever had of ‘meeting old friends for the first time’. The connection was amazing, the experience precious, the quickly formed bonds were strong, and I treasured it all still today.

Meeting Joe and his wonderful partner Kalena (elusive bear) was akin to reuniting with old friends for the first time. The connection was immediate and profound, resulting in an experience that remains cherished to this day. Did I mention yet that the food was AMAZING!!

Thank you, Beartaria Map, for for enabling this moment to come to fruition.

-Guest Writer

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Beartaria Ozark Campground Launches Community Forum! 



We are happy to report that Beartaria Ozark Campground has launched its community forum with the announcement of The Dukes of Beartaria! 

The community forum and Dukes will help the Campground curate all the great ideas from supporters and help organize micro events and workshops. 

This is a new stage of Beartaria as it creates an environment exclusively for campground supporters and an intention-focused platform for communicating and planning. 

The Dukes will help collect ideas, submit project proposals to management for funding and support, and lead projects. 

What’s in the works? 

As of now, a few projects are underway! 


The Duke of Youth plans to lead a playground build for the children. 

This build will take place during The Beartaria Times National Festival, with plans to expand the playground each year! 

This is a great project and model, as the Campground can give supporters an opportunity to leave a mark on the Campground and be part of the dreaming and expanding each year. 

Business Mixer

The Duke of Commerce is helping to establish a business mixer at the National Festival and is looking to enhance and support a strong culture of entrepreneurship in Beartaria! 

Singles Mixer

The Dutchess of Ladies is helping plan and organize an official Singles Mixer for the National Festival, something that was unfortunately missing from previous years. 

Technical Updates

Beartaria Ozark Campground is working on a live chat, Direct message functionality and @mentions for members to enhance productivity, networking and planning.

The Campground and all of Beartaria is excited to see the amazing synergy and teamwork that will result from this! 

We are happy to see the building and establishing of the campground team and new projects coming this year!


If you are interested in supporting the Campground, please visit,

We also have exclusive insights that some new donor rewards are expected next week! So stay tuned for updates! 


– The Beartaria Times

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Just Crushing

Why Do We Feel So Free?



In today’s world, the concept of freedom often gets tangled in a web of contradictory ideals. Many people equate freedom with the ability to do whatever they please, assuming that society should cater to their needs. However, true freedom is far deeper and more fulfilling, rooted in responsibility and independence rather than reliance on others.

The Essence of Freedom: Responsibility and Independence

In its most pure form, freedom emerges from taking responsibility for our lives. It’s about recognizing that our actions and decisions shape our reality and that outsourcing our responsibilities to others diminishes our sense of autonomy. When we rely heavily on others to meet our needs, we inevitably sacrifice some of our freedom.

Independence means standing on our feet and making choices based on our values and priorities. It involves taking control of our finances, our time, and our well-being. This pursuit doesn’t mean we should reject all forms of help or community support; instead, we prioritize self-sufficiency as much as possible.

Misconceptions About Freedom

Some define freedom as the ability to behave however they want while expecting the right to service. This entitlement mindset overlooks the importance of contributing to society and being accountable for one’s actions. This misplacement of obligations and entitlement sets people up for absolute disappointment. Real freedom is not about escaping responsibilities but embracing them. It’s about understanding that with freedom comes the duty to care for ourselves and our surroundings.

The Pursuit of Freedom

Feeling genuinely free is not solely about being entirely self-sustaining or independent; it’s about the journey toward that goal. For some, this might mean starting a side business to achieve greater financial independence, while for others, it could be running an 80-acre homestead. The key is in the pursuit—the ongoing effort to reclaim more control over one’s life.

This journey toward independence fosters a sense of accomplishment and liberation. Each step taken toward self-sufficiency, no matter how small, builds confidence and a deeper sense of freedom. It’s in the striving and gradual shifts toward greater autonomy that we find a genuine sense of liberation.

The Path to Independence

The first step towards true freedom is acknowledging how dependent we currently are. This acceptance is crucial, providing a clear starting point to plan and take action. From there, making effective plans to start taking ownership and responsibility is essential. This might include:

  • Assessing Finances: Create a budget, reduce debt, and increase savings to build a financial cushion.
  • Learning New Skills: Acquire skills that promote self-reliance, such as gardening, cooking, or basic home repairs.
  • Setting Goals: Define independence and set achievable goals to work towards it.
  • Building a Support Network: While independence is critical, having a community or network on the same journey for support and knowledge sharing is invaluable.

True freedom is a blend of responsibility, independence, and self-sufficiency. It’s about owning our lives and making choices that align with our values. We cultivate a profound sense of freedom by acknowledging our current dependencies and actively working towards greater self-reliance. In the end, it’s the journey towards independence that genuinely liberates us.


The Beartaria Times

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