Christopher Gardner, known affectionately as Topher, has successfully completed his inaugural dome framing project in Missouri, a significant achievement in his promise to sustainable living and innovative building techniques.

Topher has been hard at work navigating U.S. labor rates and perfecting his techniques. His dedication to sustainability is evident in every aspect of the project, from material selection to construction methods aimed at minimizing environmental impact.
Topher now sets his sights on the Beartaria Ozark Campground, where discussions are underway to host multiple workshops. These workshops aim to educate attendees on his unique building style, recruit laborers for future projects, and create distinctive living spaces for campground guests.
Topher’s successful completion of the dome framing project highlights his expertise and signifies a growing interest in sustainable living and alternative building methods. His initiatives are poised to inspire others to embrace self-reliance and environmentally conscious practices.
As Topher expands his projects and workshops, the community eagerly anticipates the positive impact of his efforts. His commitment to spreading knowledge and fostering community engagement through sustainable building practices sets a precedent for future endeavors in eco-friendly construction and self-sufficient living.

Christopher Gardner’s achievement in completing the first dome framing project in Missouri is a testament to his vision and dedication. His ongoing efforts to educate, recruit, and innovate is sure to leave a lasting legacy in the realm of sustainable living and construction techniques.
We had the opportunity to congratulate Topher and ask a few questions.
Q. What is the most common question about your dome builds?
A. I often get asked how much they cost. The answer varies massively depending on how you finish and furnish your dome.
The foundation and framing is generally half the cost of a conventional building per square foot.
The purpose of the dome, how it is finished and furnished are preferential and could only be quoted on a per-project basis.
While circular or rounded furniture isn’t easy to find, you may want to build your own or have it custom-built.
Q. Is there anything you would like people to know about your Domes?
A. You get a lot fewer bugs, and domes take much less energy to cool and heat, on average 1/10th the energy to heat and cool compared to conventional buildings.
My domes are an Asymmetric Faraday cage.
This is a Japanese star dome design, or Mandala dome, invented by a Japanese mathematician who open sourced his invention.
The type of framing is not my invention, but the methodology and application are proprietary.
My systems and some of the things I’m working on can make these domes highly customizable, not just in style but in practicality. They can be made EMF resistant if you dont mind no internet service and are senstive to EMF. The design can be reinforced to be resilient to windstorms and earthquakes.
Q. What are your dreams & aspirations?
A. My dream and aspiration is for people to learn the virtues of these domes and to adopt them as a practical solution.
People used to have storm shelters below ground, which is a problem with high water tables.
I would like to see all homesteads becoming Domesteads.
I’m working on developing additional methods that make these domes resistant to Wind, earthquake, and fire.
With the correct exposure and the work we are doing here in Missouri, I really see us being able to bring domes to rural areas across America, opening a new market for people looking to add affordable and smart square footage to their properties, increasing value and security.
Q. What are your plans for Beartaria Ozark Campground?
A. Due to recent accomplishments, we have been able to source the needed resources and begin basic training for a dozen guys in this construction style. This has assisted us in working through detailed logistics, figures, and plans for domes on The Beartaria Ozark Campground.
I’m happy to share that, after a year of discussions, The Campground management team and I have established a plan to offer exclusive dome-building workshops and begin construction on the campground.
These workshops will be small groups of twelve people, all hands-on, and they will get to work with me directly throughout the process.
We plan to begin gathering the names and emails of anyone who wishes to participate in these workshops in the coming weeks.
I’m excited to work with Beartaria Ozark Campground and all the legends who are inspired to bring these amazing structures to the U.S.
Q. Is there anything else you would like to share?
A. I would like to thank everyone that has been supporting me, from the followers of my work, my podcast and now all the bears that are getting involved in Missouri to help me get these builds happening!
Thank you, Topher, for all of your work, and we look forward to following you through your mission!
Connect with Christopher Gardner
@Tophur on The Beartaria Times Community App
Christopher Gardner Social Media