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Comedian Owen Benjamin Disrupts The Comedy Scene

Congratulations to Owen Benjamin and the Unbearables Media Team for the Launch of “Must Be Nice”!



We are thrilled to announce the launch of “Must Be Nice”, the latest comedy special from Owen Benjamin, filmed during the Beartaria Times National Festival and now available for all to enjoy! This event marks a significant accomplishment, not only for Owen but for the entire community that has stood by him.

Owen has faced intense challenges over the years. His refusal to conform to the prevailing entertainment narratives led to numerous cancellations. Online platforms removed him, and live theaters refused to host him simply because of the kind of comedy he performs—honest, raw, and rooted in truth. But instead of shrinking back, Owen doubled down and his audience stood up.

You can’t cancel comedy, as for those that try, they are not just rejecting a comedian from performing, but denying an audience from seeing who they wish.

The cancellation attempts were met by Owen and his audience with the understanding that other peoples platforms and venues are not theirs, which led to the escalation without victim consciousness to build independent platforms and venues.

The community didn’t just offer moral support; they opened up their properties for Owen to perform live, laying the groundwork for something far greater than anyone anticipated. The generosity and unity of his audience led to the funding and development of land specifically for community events and live shows—a place where we can gather, laugh, and celebrate the values we hold dear.

The “Must Be Nice” comedy special represents the culmination of these efforts, demonstrating what can be achieved when a group of like-minded people come together with a vision. The production of this special was taken to a whole new level. With a larger team, high-quality camera rentals, a more advanced sound system, and significant equipment donations—including a massive contribution from Joe Gagan—the special reflects the growth and professionalism of Unbearables Media.

The excitement surrounding “Must Be Nice” is electric. It’s more than just another comedy special—it’s a victory for free expression, for our community, and for the spirit of independence that defines us. The launch on October 11th, marks the beginning of a new era for Owen Benjamin and Unbearables Media, setting a new standard in comedy production and community-driven entertainment.

Thank you to everyone who supported this journey, and congratulations to Owen and the entire Unbearables Media team. We can’t wait to see what the future holds as we continue to build and enjoy a world where we can laugh freely and share what matters most.

Get ready to laugh, Beartarians, because Must Be Nice is here!

Just Crushing

Legends Spiral Upwards: Embracing Timeless Attributes

We asked our community, “what makes a Legend?”…



In today’s world, the term “legend” gets tossed around a lot, but in Beartaria, we know that being a true legend goes far beyond fame or popularity. It’s about living in a way others look up to and leaving a lasting impact.

We asked our community, “what makes a Legend?”. The response from our community helped us compile a list of attributes to share so you can embrace the timeless qualities that will set you apart and make you a legend in your own right:

1. Take Ownership, Don’t Blame Others

You’ve got to take full responsibility for your actions. When things go wrong, don’t point fingers—step up and own your mistakes. Doing this builds trust and shows you’re mature enough to handle life’s challenges. Blaming others undermines your influence; taking ownership leads to growth and accurate solutions.

Suggestion: Start by acknowledging your mistakes, no matter how small. When faced with a challenge, ask yourself what you could have done differently. Practice self-reflection regularly through journaling to reinforce this mindset. Share your experiences with others, showing how ownership leads to growth.

2. Emotional Stability, Don’t Get Triggered, Focus on What You Can Control

Life will throw challenges your way, and how you respond to adversity determines the direction in which you’ll find yourself moving when you do. Emotional stability involves keeping your calm and staying focused on what you can control—your thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Don’t get triggered or let emotions control you; stay grounded, knowing you always have power over your responses. If you remain calm while others lose their heads, you’ll not only benefit you will also stand out as a robust and steady presence.

Suggestion: Develop mindfulness practices like prayer and repentance, meditation or deep breathing to manage your emotional responses. Journaling can also help you articulate and process your feelings. Create a list of things you can control and focus on them daily. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself of your power over your thoughts and actions.

3. Be Authentic, Remain Truthful in Word and in Deed

Stay true to who you are. Don’t wear a mask or try to be someone you’re not. Authenticity builds stronger relationships and earns respect. Being truthful in your words and actions shows that you have integrity—one of the most essential qualities of a Legend.

Suggestion: Take time to understand your values and beliefs. Practice expressing your thoughts honestly and clearly, even when it’s uncomfortable. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you are. Be mindful of your actions; ensure they align with your words so you are trustworthy. Finding like-minded individuals is an inherent blessing of our community, and connecting is made easier by using tools like the BT App and the BT Map.

4. Be an Example, Work Hard, Compare Less

Focus on setting the right example for others by working hard and staying committed to your path. Don’t waste energy comparing yourself to others. Instead, concentrate on being better than you were yesterday. The only person you should be competing with is yourself.

Suggestion: Set clear personal and professional goals and create a plan to achieve them. Celebrate your progress rather than comparing yourself to others. Engage in daily habits that align with your values, and share your journey with those around you. This not only motivates you but also inspires others to follow suit.

5. Be Ambitious, Don’t Have Despair

Ambition drives you forward, while despair keeps you stuck. Always have a goal in mind, and don’t let setbacks make you lose hope. Even in tough times, maintain your sense of purpose. When you’re ambitious, you’ll see failures as stepping stones rather than dead ends. Your approach to adversity affects how quickly you can use an experience to grow.

Suggestion: Cultivate a growth mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities for learning. Surround yourself with ambitious people who uplift and inspire you. Set short- and long-term goals that excite you, and break them into manageable steps. When faced with setbacks, remind yourself of your vision and why you started.

6. Be Patient, With Yourself and Others

Patience is critical, both with yourself and the people around you. Not everything will happen as fast as you want, and that’s okay. Understand that progress takes time, and so does dealing with others. Be patient with your journey and with those who walk it with you.

Suggestion: Practice patience in everyday situations. When things don’t go as planned, take a moment to breathe and reassess. Remind yourself that progress takes time and everyone is on their own journey. Encourage others by acknowledging their efforts, and don’t rush the process—for yourself and those around you.

7. Produce Goods and Services of Value

Being a legend isn’t just about personal success—it’s about lifting others up. Whether it’s through your work, your contributions, or the way you support your family and friends, what you do should provide value to others. Leave your community, family, and world better than you found them. Being part of creating solutions is intrinsic to Beartarian culture.  

Suggestion: Identify the skills and resources you have that can benefit others. Volunteer your time, share your knowledge, or create products that meet community needs. Engage with local organizations to find out where your help is most needed. Regularly ask your friends and family how you can support them, fostering a culture of reciprocity.

8. Show Up In Every Way You Can

Showing up is half the battle, but it’s not just about being physically present. You need to show up mentally and emotionally, too. Be there for the people in your life and for the responsibilities you’ve taken on. Your consistency in effort, presence, and dependability will set you apart.

Suggestion: Make a conscious effort to be present in the moment. Give your full attention in conversations, meetings, or social gatherings. Develop a routine that allows you to prioritize essential commitments and practice being dependable. Create reminders or use a planner to ensure you follow through on your commitments.

9. Be Grateful, Stay Grounded in Gratitude

Gratitude keeps you humble and helps you stay grounded. Legends know that everything they have is a gift and don’t take it for granted. When you appreciate what you’ve been given, you attract even more good into your life and avoid the traps of arrogance and entitlement. You can still enjoy the occasional ‘Muth be nice’ as long as you do it with a genuine appreciation and admiration. Don’t let envy or jealousy rob you of the joy seeing the blessings in life will bring you on your journey.

Suggestion: Start a gratitude journal where you write down three daily things you’re thankful for. Reflect on both big and small blessings in your life. Express your gratitude to others—send thank-you notes, make calls, or simply tell people how much you appreciate them. This practice will keep you grounded and foster positive relationships.

10. Gain Knowledge, Never Stop Learning

A legendary life is built on constant growth. Always learn new things or refine your existing skills. Keep your mind sharp and stay open to new ideas. The more knowledge you gain, the more value you can offer to the world around you.

Suggestion: Dedicate time each week to learning something new. This could be reading books, taking online courses, or attending workshops. Join clubs or groups that focus on your interests, allowing you to exchange knowledge with others. Set learning goals and track your progress to keep yourself motivated. Explore the category groups in the BT App to find inspiration about different skills and topics you can strive to Crush at.

11. Sacrifice Today for a Better Tomorrow for Yourself and Your Posterity

A legendary legacy isn’t just about what you accomplish today—it’s about what you leave behind for the next generation. Legends understand that success requires delayed gratification and the discipline to sacrifice today’s pleasures for tomorrow’s gains. You make sacrifices now to ensure your children and grandchildren a better future. This isn’t just about financial security but the values, work ethic, and example you leave behind. What you do today will echo far into the future, shaping not just your life but the lives of those who come after you.

Suggestion: Evaluate your current priorities and identify areas where you can make sacrifices. Create a plan for your financial goals, such as saving for your children’s education or retirement. Share your vision with your family so they understand the importance of your sacrifices. Model this behavior by making choices that prioritize long-term gains over short-term pleasures. It’s never too early to practice this attribute; don’t let your current season of life dictate how you prepare for the possibilities and potential of the future.

Building Your Legendary Life

Becoming a legend isn’t about being perfect but embodying values others will admire and follow. Take responsibility, stay grounded, be patient, and lift others up. Show up in every way, practice gratitude, and remain true to yourself. Focus on what you can control, delay gratification, and keep learning.

When you live this way, you won’t just create a life worth living—you’ll build a legacy that will stand the test of time.

Join our community app today to meet old friends for the first time and have a community of over 15,000+ people to share your journey with!
Keep striving, keep growing, and never stop building your legendary life!

If you are interested in submitting an article for as a guest writer please email 

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Christopher Gardner Completes First Dome Framing Project in Missouri: Exclusive Interview



Christopher Gardner, known affectionately as Topher, has successfully completed his inaugural dome framing project in Missouri, a significant achievement in his promise to sustainable living and innovative building techniques.

Topher has been hard at work navigating U.S. labor rates and perfecting his techniques. His dedication to sustainability is evident in every aspect of the project, from material selection to construction methods aimed at minimizing environmental impact.

Topher now sets his sights on the Beartaria Ozark Campground, where discussions are underway to host multiple workshops. These workshops aim to educate attendees on his unique building style, recruit laborers for future projects, and create distinctive living spaces for campground guests.

Topher’s successful completion of the dome framing project highlights his expertise and signifies a growing interest in sustainable living and alternative building methods. His initiatives are poised to inspire others to embrace self-reliance and environmentally conscious practices.

As Topher expands his projects and workshops, the community eagerly anticipates the positive impact of his efforts. His commitment to spreading knowledge and fostering community engagement through sustainable building practices sets a precedent for future endeavors in eco-friendly construction and self-sufficient living.

Christopher Gardner’s achievement in completing the first dome framing project in Missouri is a testament to his vision and dedication. His ongoing efforts to educate, recruit, and innovate is sure to leave a lasting legacy in the realm of sustainable living and construction techniques.

We had the opportunity to congratulate Topher and ask a few questions.

Q. What is the most common question about your dome builds?

A. I often get asked how much they cost. The answer varies massively depending on how you finish and furnish your dome.

The foundation and framing is generally half the cost of a conventional building per square foot.

The purpose of the dome, how it is finished and furnished are preferential and could only be quoted on a per-project basis.
While circular or rounded furniture isn’t easy to find, you may want to build your own or have it custom-built.

Q. Is there anything you would like people to know about your Domes?

A. You get a lot fewer bugs, and domes take much less energy to cool and heat, on average 1/10th the energy to heat and cool compared to conventional buildings.

My domes are an Asymmetric Faraday cage.
This is a Japanese star dome design, or Mandala dome, invented by a Japanese mathematician who open sourced his invention.
The type of framing is not my invention, but the methodology and application are proprietary.

My systems and some of the things I’m working on can make these domes highly customizable, not just in style but in practicality. They can be made EMF resistant if you dont mind no internet service and are senstive to EMF. The design can be reinforced to be resilient to windstorms and earthquakes.

Q. What are your dreams & aspirations?

A. My dream and aspiration is for people to learn the virtues of these domes and to adopt them as a practical solution.
People used to have storm shelters below ground, which is a problem with high water tables.
I would like to see all homesteads becoming Domesteads.
I’m working on developing additional methods that make these domes resistant to Wind, earthquake, and fire.
With the correct exposure and the work we are doing here in Missouri, I really see us being able to bring domes to rural areas across America, opening a new market for people looking to add affordable and smart square footage to their properties, increasing value and security.

Q. What are your plans for Beartaria Ozark Campground?

A. Due to recent accomplishments, we have been able to source the needed resources and begin basic training for a dozen guys in this construction style. This has assisted us in working through detailed logistics, figures, and plans for domes on The Beartaria Ozark Campground.

I’m happy to share that, after a year of discussions, The Campground management team and I have established a plan to offer exclusive dome-building workshops and begin construction on the campground.

These workshops will be small groups of twelve people, all hands-on, and they will get to work with me directly throughout the process.

We plan to begin gathering the names and emails of anyone who wishes to participate in these workshops in the coming weeks.

I’m excited to work with Beartaria Ozark Campground and all the legends who are inspired to bring these amazing structures to the U.S.

Q. Is there anything else you would like to share?

A. I would like to thank everyone that has been supporting me, from the followers of my work, my podcast and now all the bears that are getting involved in Missouri to help me get these builds happening!

Thank you, Topher, for all of your work, and we look forward to following you through your mission!

Connect with Christopher Gardner

Christopher Gardner Social Media


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Beartaria Ozark Campground Kicks Off This Year’s Campaign!

By supporting the project, you’re not just getting a cool item, but also directly supporting Beartaria Ozark Campground and getting exclusive discounts.



As our esteemed readers are well aware, the 2022 Beartaria Times National Festival was a resounding success, a testament to the vibrant spirit and active participation of our community. This triumph led to a unique opportunity for our community leaders to purchase the 183-acre parcel of land that hosted the event.

The local community, our gracious hosts, were not only delighted to witness a surge in economic activity but also to experience the festival’s positive cultural influence. Their warm reception and support were instrumental in making the event a grand success.

Who could blame them? A dry, family-friendly festival focused on self-awareness, self-reliance, and great times?!?! Even local churches were happy to see new guests in the area who took a break from the festival on Sunday to support the local congregations.
The festival even employed some locals who helped greet our community coming to Missouri!
The campaign to build a campground is about 30% complete, with the purchase of 53 acres, the hunting cabin, and a red barn. The land is being used to keep hay production going and raise cattle!

Dozens of festival-goers packed in the bed of trucks to be bussed to the fields where they were whipped by the Missouri Sun as they loaded hay!
As we step into 2024, the campaign for the Beartaria Ozark Campground project gains momentum. We look to our community, our pillars of strength, to continue their invaluable support as we strive to help acquire 40 additional acres, renew the lease on the remaining land, and potentially help build much-needed facilities for the festival.

Beartaria Ozark Campground has launched a new avenue to donate with new rewards for anyone that seeks to support the project and gain the perks of being a supporter!
Exclusive Made in The USA, Beartaria Ozark Campground Merch is now offered to new donors of the project, with an exclusive $400 Off for existing donors!

The Merch will be a signifier of support to Bears realm wide, and will also be a way for the festival to offer discounts to founding members.

Beartaria doesn’t want anything for nothing, and this can help incentivize new donors who may not be able to attend the festival or encourage existing donors to continue supporting the project with new rewards.

Here at The Beartaria Times we are obviously huge supporters of this project and look to do our part. We have about 750 Magazines left of the 12,000+ that we printed and sent world wide, so we have decided to contribute them as rewards for anyone that jumps in to do their part!

Beartaria Ozark Campground hopes to acquire a couple hundred new donors each year to meet the yearly requirements or rally existing donors to continue their support.

We’re excited about the new merchandise! Not only does it look great, but it also has the potential to significantly boost the fundraising efforts for 2024. By supporting the project, you’re not just getting a cool item, but also directly supporting Beartaria Ozark Campground and getting exclusive discounts.

Let’s do our part and get this done!


The Beartaria Times

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