We are excited to announce the second issue of The Beartaria Times magazine! This second installment brings together community members from different backgrounds and experiences to share tutorials, knowledge, inspiration, and resources that we know our community will love and benefit from for years to come. We have compiled articles from the legends of Beartaria to build a catalog of information that will inform and inspire.

Some of the topics you can expect in this issue will include an intro to HAM Radio from the one and only Falcor. Mr. Permie Bear runs down ten ways to incorporate permaculture philosophy in your garden or homestead. The seeds of creation are sown in a piece by BearBrandt that takes you through the artistic design process. And Artos Survival’s, WildMedBear gives us ten Wilderness Survival Essentials.

Big Sage Bear and Bolar Bear give us some insight into planting metaphorical seeds in their lives. While Orthodox Builder Bear lends some wisdom on how we can all benefit from continuing to do business with Babylon. And there is so much more!
Like before, this magazine will be a limited run based on the pre-order numbers. We are happy to have lowered our pre-order cost to $24 per magazine, and we reduced the Canada shipping cost to $9 instead of $15. For total transparency in sharing our goals, some magazines of similar physical quality sell for $12-$15 but print millions of copies. We believe we can begin to get our price more competitive if we sell around 10,000 copies. By supporting our magazine and pre-orders, you help us continue to lower the cost. We would rather sell many magazines at a low price and get good information out there!
We want to thank all of our contributors for making this another fantastic issue!
You can still pre-order a copy before Friday, April 29, at 9 pm PST.
The future is bright for The Legends of Beartaria!
Until next time, Keep Crushing!
– The Beartaria Times