How to Tan Fur on Hides With a Note on Making Leather
This is an art. Learning takes time, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The hide is very forgiving.
Digging Up Real Dirt
This is an art. Learning takes time, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The hide is very forgiving.
Having good nutrition is important, sure, but that’s just scratching the surface of the benefits growing your own greens offers.
A recent study I read indicated that pastures responded better to feeding hay directly on the field verses hauling manure and compost from the barn.
So, how does one get into homesteading if you don’t have any experience with it? The big thing is, to take it slow.
In 2008 I purchased a property that looked like a park, had amazing soil, and a seemingly endless supply of water, with the intention to experiment on the potential to strengthen my overall health by growing a large portion of my own food.
Our homesteading journey into self-sustainability has been so exciting! We won’t sugar coat it and say that it has been easy because that is not a word that we like to use. Farm life, homesteading, or whatever you choose to call it, is hard! If someone tells you otherwise, they are lying!
Each of these books has brought information of perspective that continues to bring us value on our farm and homestead.
I’m the 5th generation to live and work the land; my nieces and nephews are the 6th. This is a fantastic thing to witness because each generation is changing and adapting in its own way. But at the same time are walking and connecting to the same land as those who come before. We are constantly building for the generations to come and learning from the generations past.
Anyone can grow these very simple roots. More importantly, what would we do without them?
Sometimes getting started on something is the hardest part, it certainly was for me getting around to finally writing something. Now that the so-called pen is on the paper, what comes next is likely to feel somewhat like a whirlwind on my end, but hopefully not on yours. I hope that what follows will help…