Reconnect and Rejoice: Beartaria Times Weekly Challenge
Maintaining solid relationships with family and friends offers numerous benefits that enrich our lives in meaningful ways…
Digging Up Real Dirt
Maintaining solid relationships with family and friends offers numerous benefits that enrich our lives in meaningful ways…
Knives will perform numerous tasks, better or worse, based on their grind, edge geometry, and thickness. That said, I have found that a full flat grind is ideal for food prep and butchering, though a high saber grind works well too.
If you don’t have a plan or specific goal in mind, you may find yourself walking out several hundred dollars poorer, with a few marginally decent tools and a box full of your favorite childhood toys.
I have been to meetups across the country and made some of the best friends I have ever had through this community and app. The difference this has made in my and my family’s lives, materially and spiritually, cannot be put into words, and I pray that I am giving some fraction of that back to the community.
It is odd at times how life can take you down turns you would not expect…
My troops knew that they would get credit for our success and that any blame for failure would land squarely on my own shoulders.
How many of these traits do you have? One? None? All 14? I am a firm believer that anyone, given the will and opportunity, can develop into a leader.
But it took several visits to different BBQ joints for my wife and me to realize that most places could have been better.
After 93 days in Sourdough Land —making 500 loaves, 100 croissants, and 200 cinnamon buns, I’ve learned it’s really not as difficult as you might think. Once you wrap your head around a few concepts, do it a few times in a row, it all starts to make sense. Let me show you…
This piece will serve to familiarize the reader with the signs, symptoms, and treatments of these common, sometimes deadly winter afflictions, as well as the importance of preparedness and proper training in recognizing and treating them early.