Latest News

“I Have No Idea What I’m Doing”
Good day Beartarians! Wiscobear here to share a little of my story. I don’t often sit down and think about how I ended up where I am, but when I did to write this article I couldn’t stop smiling at how obvious it is that God’s been leading this whole journey. In the moment it…

The Settlers of Catan (Beartaria)
Gathering for a 1-2 hour game of Catan is a common scene during snowy nights.

October 19th 2020 Artists of the week
Good evening Beartaria Creatives! We are back up this week with some amazing traditional and digital art. Thank you for bearing with us while we updated our email security. If you tried to send a submission and received a kick-back, please send it again as our system is back in action. We hope you enjoy…

Unbearables Merchandise Is Now Available Worldwide is crushing.

A Beginners Guide to Soil Preparation
It’s a blast getting soiled in the garden and I am quite happy to write for this audience.

The Hunt for Mushrooms is On!
A great introduction to wild mushrooms by Woodworking Gunny Bear.