The Buzz and Benefits of Beekeeping for Homesteaders
Whether you’re motivated by the prospect of fresh honey or the joy of working with these fascinating creatures, beekeeping is a fulfilling and valuable addition to any homestead.
Digging Up Real Dirt
Whether you’re motivated by the prospect of fresh honey or the joy of working with these fascinating creatures, beekeeping is a fulfilling and valuable addition to any homestead.
According to the American Beekeeping Federation, beekeeping today contributes around $20 billion in value to U.S. crop production.
Bees are truly a marvelous part of God’s creation and one I draw inspiration from daily as I begin the journey of tending to their homes and lives.
I’m the 5th generation to live and work the land; my nieces and nephews are the 6th. This is a fantastic thing to witness because each generation is changing and adapting in its own way. But at the same time are walking and connecting to the same land as those who come before. We are constantly building for the generations to come and learning from the generations past.