The Bird-of-paradise in Papua New Guinea has large feather plumages with no functional value other than attracting a mate. These birds have a near infinite year round supply of fruit to eat at any hour of the day, and no natural predators. Because of this, their large, useless, and calorie rich plumes signal to potential mates their genetic superiority. I wonder how long the plume rituals would last with a seasonal winter and a scarcity of fruit. How long would female potential mates choose the absurd and humiliating feather plumes over sharper talons and sharper eyes if the fruit stopped being a 24/7 all you can eat buffet.

For a large part of the 20th and early 21st century western countries resembled the endless fruit supplies of the papua New Guinea rainforests, and the men started resembling the birds of paradise in their mating rituals. Work denim worn to protect against sharp horns and bitter cold, was replaced by obscenely priced thin designer denim that cost extra to have actual holes in them. The bedazzled patterns on the pockets let potential mates know that you have no useful skills and are willing to burn money for no reason. Kays Jewelers sprang up in every mall so men could burn thousands of dollars on nonsense pebbles with no function or resale value. That was the point of it all. A twenty dollar martini let a date know that her potential bird-of-paradise had so much useless plumage he could afford to spend a days work wage of his grandfather’s generation on poison water with a fake cherry in it. A simple question mark embroidered on the pocket of jeans in the 1990s let everyone know that these jeans cost three times more than the exact same jeans without the question mark. This was seen as very attractive.

Thankfully those days of conspicuous consumption came to an abrupt halt in 2020. Young people saw as their over priced bars, restaurants, and festivals that their social lives revolved around closed. As conventional job prospects shrunk and debt reached “constant panic attack” levels, women started getting that uneasy feeling that maybe “Netflix and chilling” with a stranger on their day off from their debt slave job may not be the best idea.
The good news is, the plumage dance of the over stuffed degenerates the west has been participating in was destroying everything good about dating. Embrace the change. Many men in lower income categories with a lower (perceived) social statues now have many more attractive qualities than the terrified hedge fund managers just now realizing they don’t know where food comes from and have never talked to a sober woman before. The question mark on their jeans that had signaled others their status, now resembles a very confusing future. If you’ve seen this coming for a while and now realize how much more valuable your skills are, it’s important to avoid the urge to read her “The Industrial Revolution and it’s Consequences” on your first date after cleaning a rabbit all while reminding her you’ve been warning people for years this was coming.

Just because the Babylonian debt economy dating machine has been halted doesn’t mean women don’t still like nice times and beautiful things. We are just entering an era where those things don’t require large gobs of unearned debt money.
The older I get the more I realize the old ways were right and didn’t need any “modernizing.” The best method for dating is to go to your community leader and let them know you are ready to get married. The leader will consult with your parents and the parents of others looking to get married. Then the prospective couple will meet at each one’s family home where they will be able to learn about each other and more importantly each others family. Only when they both agree to get married does the wedding take place. No sex, no touching, just bonding families and functional communities. Unfortunately most young singles these days don’t have responsible community leaders or stable family units to do it the right way. For over half a century community leaders have been Hollywood “stars” telling everyone procreation for people and barn animals should be similar. Except of course the people should first consume drugs and alcohol.

So, what are some great dates for 2020? Remember the plumes of bedazzles pants on male designer jeans have been replaced with a desire for good moral healthy living. So how do you show off these new desirable qualities to a potential mate?
1. Home made dinners with as many ingredients from your garden as possible. Keep it simple, but blow her mind with what actual food tastes like. Women love beauty and class, and most have never experience the fairytale of a home grown meal. After the experience she will never again want low sustenance restaurant food surrounded by sodomites talking loudly about nonsense.

2. Take her fishing, build a fire, pick berries, and cook her the fish for dinner as the sun sets. This requires high confidence in your fishing and fire skills or it could end with just berries for dinner. But if you can pull off fish you caught with her, it would be legendary.

3. Go to a botanical garden and pick out a plant to plant together. This is just a very cool thing to do with someone and it’s much lower pressure than catching a fish. She will love it.

4. Hiking is a great date, but remember women don’t want to be in forest alone with a man they don’t know that well. I’d save the hikes til there’s a lot more comfort between you, but it’s always a good time and nature never closes.

5. Gold panning and Gem hunting would be a fun date assuming the weather is good. It also sets the tone for a future ring that you make yourself.

6. Forage for mushrooms. Assuming you know what you’re doing, this is a great activity to get to know each other better while you focus on something fun and tasty.

Remind her that the world is still beautiful. Show her that past. Run away from under the banner “progress”, there is a much better world than the synthetic parade of parasites the dating apps are so proud of.
These days I keep hearing people yearn for the world to “go back to normal.” The fact is, that “normal” was turning eagles into peacocks. It was turning your future wives into just another face in the digital sea of the abandoned. We have a great opportunity to relearn what it means to love someone, and the endless wealth of family.