During the last few days of September, rolling into the first few days of October, our friends, The Jones family, hosted the second annual Midwest Bearfest.

In mid-Michigan lies a small farming town and a family of Crushers willing to have 100 people at their farm. Moonlit Farm has been in the Jones family for five generations and counting.
The event was held from Thursday through Sunday. Farming Artist put this all together. She and her family offered workshops on butchering chickens, making chicken stock, keeping bees, making goat milk soap, and trimming goat hooves, but I’m sure I missed a few.
These fine folks did much prep work to prepare the farm for 100 guests. They prepared part of the farm for camping and had massive piles of rocks and wood for campfires. They also offered food for all four days. Amazingly, this family would allow 100 mostly strangers to their farm, but even more impressive is that they were willing to share five generations of skills with us.
During the days, it was workshops and hay rides. When the sunset on this beautiful farm, it was time for campfires and gravy! There were no less than four fires each night, with different groups enjoying them. People floated back and forth to the fire pits sharing stories, bonding, or simply enjoying old friends for the first time.
This event felt like home to me. The Jones family has always treated me like family. The bear community is the best at making you feel like you belong.
Sunday morning of Midwest Bearfest came with a bit of a surprise. Farming Artist asked me to head a bible study. This request was a bit shocking to me; I’m no pastor. But I mustered up enough courage to do it, and it was actually quite comfortable. The bears volunteered to read passages with me and were very patient with my message. I have never done anything like this. It was humbling, and it strengthened my faith. I’m so glad I was asked to do it.

To the Jones family, we thank you for having us at your home. To the bears, thank you for showing up. As always, we thank our Lord for the opportunities he gives and the love he gives. I’m grateful for the opportunity to attend this event and grateful to meet all my old friends for the first time. Keep Krushing bears, Onward!
~Bill Krushington