In an era of worldwide fear and despair, it seems only Bears still possess the desire, courage, and fortitude to marry, create children, and crush as a family.

The inversion of real marriage, cast by the “usual suspects” in radio, social media, television, and public “education” continues infecting the minds about the true commitment it requires that is only found in a covenant. The etymology or origin of the word covenant, as a noun is “mutual compact to do or not do something, a contract,” or as a verb “to enter into a formal agreement or contract.” 

As Bears, Christians, Islamo-Christians, as well as in other faiths, there is an obligation to make covenants with not only our spouse, but with the Lord God Himself in marriage completely elevating the covenant. It’s now a covenant of three: God, Man, and Woman in front of loved ones and family. This ceremony is not only done to share in the celebration, but to build accountability and support in doing the work required to stay committed to the family unit when the going got tough.

There was a time when men, other than Bears, held their word as their solemn bond. That time is returning.”

When you make a covenant to your spouse, with God, in front of friends and family, it really means something. 

Very few are able to learn the tough lessons of life outside the shared view of covenant/promise found in marriage, forcing both to stay and do the hard work required to succeed. It’s a pressure cooker mixed with learning and growing, suffering and joy, compromise and change, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Without good ole fashion covenant found in marriage, quitting when the going gets tough, becomes all too easy. 

The Lord didn’t create marriage to punish us and limit our ability to crush, although it may seem that way at times. He did it so we can find Truth, so we can experience life as it was designed, living in harmony Natural Law, Truth, Logos. Without the promise of covenant, some say loyalty beyond reason, one may never reach the depths of vulnerability required to dig deep and clean out the lies and inversion previously programmed into our character. To tolerate the type of energy output, self reflection, humility, and sacrifice it requires to level up, a covenant of three is required.  

If you feel that you’ve maxed out in your life as a single person, then it’s time to level up and start a whole new journey with a partner. Go out and find a Bear worthy and willing to make a covenant with you and the Lord. Learn about yourself and others in the struggle, increase your output with new maximums you’ll find born through necessity. Create tons of children, build the kingdom of Beartaria, and Crush! Keep your covenants, and watch it bring you, closer to Truth.  

Looking to see how the Bears view family… What is your definition of family? Is blood really thicker than water or is that another spell? I’d love to hear what the Bears think!

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