Fancy Pants to Overalls
It’s not all fresh carrots out of the ground and based moments in Beartaria, there is struggle. As each seed needs adversity to grow, the more it struggles the stronger it becomes.
Digging Up Real Dirt
It’s not all fresh carrots out of the ground and based moments in Beartaria, there is struggle. As each seed needs adversity to grow, the more it struggles the stronger it becomes.
So it’s 9pm, I have a sick cow, and all the stores are closed at that point.
Beartaria Seed Savers was established for bear-centered seed saving and distribution. The operation works at this time with a “freely as ye have received, freely give” mentality.
The fundamental basis of all of these techniques is to use what is naturally available.
Anchor Bear reports on an original track by The Last Moomin. *Some Graphic Images*
Need a great book to cozy up with during this coming chilly season? A book you will reach for again and again? Find yourself a copy of this hulk of a resource, “The Encyclopedia of Country Living” by Carla Emery!
It’s a blast getting soiled in the garden and I am quite happy to write for this audience.
A couple milk cows can easily provide all the dairy for a half dozen bear families.
I saw Babylon falling with the help of the Big Bear. Let’s just say my ancestral Ukrainian DNA told me to build and that I did.