Each of these books has brought information of perspective that continues to bring us value on our farm and homestead.
Once the house was complete, they set their focus on the outdoors and making this an actual homestead.
Steven Cornett is a regenerative farmer and content creator equipping men and women with the skills they need to run their own farm or homestead efficiently...
Anyone can grow these very simple roots. More importantly, what would we do without them?
Sometimes getting started on something is the hardest part, it certainly was for me getting around to finally writing something. Now that the so-called pen is...
Western Ranger Bear and I have so many ideas and things we would love to see happen here at Serenity Valley. When we talk about the...
Even with near perfect conditions and preparation, unforeseen challenges will arise.
It’s not all fresh carrots out of the ground and based moments in Beartaria, there is struggle. As each seed needs adversity to grow, the more...
So it’s 9pm, I have a sick cow, and all the stores are closed at that point.
Beartaria Seed Savers was established for bear-centered seed saving and distribution. The operation works at this time with a “freely as ye have received, freely give”...