The Beartaria Times Event Management has announced speakers for the final day of The Beartaria Times National Festival!
We are excited to see this announcement as these speakers have so much value that can be shared. We are expecting to hear more about the festival schedule, activities and musicians next week. Stay tuned for exclusive reporting!
Speaking at the first ever Beartaria Times National Festival:
Christopher Gardner

Christopher was Broward County Scholar-Athlete of the year 1993. He was awarded an American Express internship at 17 and became a Four-year Starter at MSU from 1994-97. He later completed a Practicum for Cal-Earth University in 2008 as a certified Super Adobe Tech. Christopher created the world’s first reciprocal dormer and truss. Christopher is a serial entrepreneur with a widely diverse skillset and knowledge base. He owns five businesses and continues to develop new projects and provide more value to the world.
Mr. Permie Bear

Adam Stevens, aka Mr. Permie Bear, does about everything that strikes his fancy, many of those things simultaneously. He is a former stockbroker specializing in international securities and day trader services. After his trading days were done, he began a career in banking and eventually became a commercial lender before he retired from finance as a whole. He is a graduate of the Oregon Banker’s Association Executive Development Program. Finally, he left finance to pursue a life closer to the land and things that matter, such as raising children. He is a Certified Permaculture Designer, dairyman, vegetable farmer, construction worker, consultant, seed salesman, occasional sawyer, and aspiring jack-of-every-possible-trade-under-the-sun. He is co-founder of Ozark Legacy Contracting and co-founder of Grateful Harvest Seed Company. He and his wife also operate Piney Creek Farm in the Missouri Ozarks. He dreams of creating a place where people can learn about and interact with permaculture and regenerative farming systems of all kinds and then use what they learn to create a more resilient and fulfilling life on any scale they choose. He will be speaking about creating a rich life in a world seemingly set on bland mediocrity.
Classical Learner Bear

Brett Pike, aka Classical Learner Bear, is the founder of the Classical Learner Homeschooling Company and Homeschools Connected. He is the author of the “Cubs to Bears” children’s book series and holds a bachelor’s degree in history education and a master’s degree in special education. He will be discussing the hidden lessons of public school and how parents can educate their children to grow into free and independent adults.
Anchor Bear

Anchor Bear is a multi-instrumentalist producer who has played in touring bands selling out the House of Blues and other venues throughout the Midwest, including being placed on the Vans Warped Tour in select locations. He also has recorded with top producers to gain industry insight into mixing and mastering techniques.
Anchor Bear is now running his own recording studio, Anchor Tones, where he is the head producer. He has created many tracks for the Bear community and worked with Bears on documentary compositions and voiceovers.
Bolar Bear

Bolar Bear is a Field Manager and Leader at a Fortune 500 company. He leads the business, operations, and team of 100+ Million. He has degrees, training, awards, etc., and he doesn’t consider them accomplishments that matter. He would tell you that his true accomplishments are being a Husband, Father, provider, and man of God actively pursuing his relationship with his creator. Knowing enough to know that he is a work in progress, a Truth seeker, actively seeking real-life skills, and Bear. Putting one foot in front of the other, “just trying” to walk the narrow path.

Patrick Norton, aka WildMedBear, is the Owner and Lead Instructor of ARTOS Survival and a Former federal wildland firefighter and Urban and wilderness EMT. He is a Certified medical instructor, a graduate of the wilderness field instructor program, and a former instructor at the prestigious Thomas Coyne Survival School. He has led and conducted courses from Southern California survival skills and wilderness medical courses to knife-only, full-immersion, week-long field courses in the Alaskan boreal. He will discuss urban/wilderness survival, preparedness, and emergency medicine for the lay responder.

In his personal journey, his interest in wellbeing has been a cardinal thought, from the practice and study of yoga, bodywork, breath work, Light and sound healing work, and generally a lifelong interest in self, God, and Jesus. Also, as a musician performing music styles from Kirtan and Gospel to Rock & Roll, mainly as a drummer, while playing percussion, congas, wood flutes, keyboards, and recently, dancing around with a guitar in hand.
Music and healing have taken him halfway across this Earth Realm, and in these travels, he has sat with many teachers and students, listening to wisdom thousands of years old, handed down orally and through ancient writings. This is where the first “Pearls of Wisdom” regarding breath work crossed his path. For over 30 years, teachers and ancient writings regarding breathing crossed his path, and in his ignorance, he would say, hmmm, this sounds interesting, but the ancient writings and wisdom seem a bit esoteric, and what could these ancients know about anything we are dealing with in today’s world.
There was no “Scientific” proof, just the words of the ancient gurus and healers so, he took it all with a grain of salt yet, he did walk around teaching and inspiring people about the importance of breath work while not really understanding how or why these wisdoms work. Then almost two years ago, that changed. Scientific evidence emerged, and the results of breath work have been measured, documented, and shared. Something clicked in his understanding of the healing potential of a focused effort to breathe your body into wellness. He would love to inspire all to understand the value of breath work.