Kick off your Muck boots and throw on an Anchor Bear record because its time to crush. We’re going on a journey down a winding path to the Cave of Crush where we’ll span the Chasm of Krunk and destroy the Dragon of Despair. Afterwards we’ll circle up around the Beartarian Round Table and regale one another with our stories of legendary acts and moments of hilarity. To start off the regaling, I am going to highlight some members of our tribe that consistently go above and beyond.
This is my 7 Ways To Crushday, where I will highlight 7 Bears who you may not be aware of and yet are building Beartaria in their unique manner. I hope they inspire you as they do me. This is of course not an exhaustive list, and is written in no particular order. If you’d like to send in stories of other legends who deserve recognition, email us at or Without further ado, let us doff our hats and lift our trumpets in salute to those who are leading and contributing in epic fashion.
Busy as a Bear
First up is Busy Bee Bear. She has been busy setting up a book club in the Shebears group at With the help of other amazing Bearettes like BloomerBearnBama, the book club has featured works like ‘Keys to the Kingdom’ and ‘The Queen’s Codd.’ In true Beartarian fashion, the ladies in that group are elevating their minds and using that energy to bless their families. It’s a lovely thing to see. If you are a lady bear and would like to see what they’re up to you can connect on

Tip the Piano Man
If you haven’t heard of Unofficial Bear yet, then put down that daggone lollipop and get on over to Dlive on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday at 5pm PST. This legend is innovating the music stream game. His fingers may or may not literally be on fire as he plays Liszt’s ‘Sospiro’ on his Yamaha keyboard. This High Beartarian Virtuoso became inspired to the point to losing sleep one evening. Unable to sleep, he decided to weave the melodies in his head into a fantastic work of art. And over the last few months we’re all anxiously waiting for him to name it. This song and other amazing works are made even more enjoyable by his peaceful visualizations on the screen and the friendliness in the saloon. Stop in and throw some lemons his way. You won’t regret it.
Zezzie Approaches! What Shall We Do?
“There’s nothing left to do but flourish.”
When you have a grabbly day job and refuse to cower and shrivel but instead become a legendary community builder, your name might be Zezzie Bear. This epic Bearette has helped others bring the Rocky Mountain Bears up to a staggering 60 members and counting. Her effort has inspired others to reach out and bring more valued friends and future legends into the group. This along with constantly showing up and being a positive voice in the Dlive Big Bear streams and other community live streams and group chats make you wonder how she has time to fit in her regular day job. I for one am incredibly grateful and have gained so much from the hard work that Zezzie Bear has put into building our community. See what she’s up to at our Beartaria Times App @zezziebear I proffer a bear salute and thank you for your service. 🐻7

Pass the Ladle
“I’m a glorified ethernet cable, but when streams are hard to get or people are in need of gravy, I try to make them available”
_ WD41 Bear
You may be familiar with WD40. Every useful man had better be aware of the useful fish-based (yes fish-based) elixir of mechanical lube. But what this community needs more than to stop a squeaky hinge, is to spray on a healthy coat of logos. To help with hard to find Big Bear videos, we need WD41 Bear. This 46 y/o Scottish engineer legend is parked up the highlands somewhere and re-streams Owen, Jimbob, and others on his Dlive and his Bitchute channels on the regs. Show him some love and bury him in lemons.

Hanging With the Bears
“What originally started as a way to connect on a more personal level has evolved into a real community building tool. It’s been a great experience so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.”
This year, Robear felt God put it in his heart to start a Bear’s Interview channel and introduce the world to all kinds of amazing folks with incredible stories. We got to see Deep Blue Sea Bear’s work training oilfield sailors to put out boat fires, Hogfish Sniper Bear’s wife’s pregnant belly, Stuntman Bear’s jolly English face, and the legendary Poppa J Bear’s epic headband. Their stories are also interesting, relatable, and just show how wide and truly diverse this community is. Three Cheers for Robear! For now he’s still available on IG as @hangingwiththebears, or on Beartaria Times App @robear. Stay tuned for more greatness.

“The New Patriarchs”
Hail Legion! 2020 also brought the Legion to the bears. Legionnaire Bear has men all across the Earth getting up before 5 am (LST), maxing out on pushups, detoxing off of social media and abstaining from all the serious vices for 30 days. This is helping strengthen resolve, cultivate discipline, and really raise the bar for those who want to crush. The Legion isn’t for the weak or faint of heart. But if you’re committed, you will see a noticeable positive change. Legionnaire Bear himself quit smoking, and now looks 20 years younger could it be, allegedly? Check him out on Beartaria Times App as @legionnairebear and prepare yourself for greatness.

Johnny Appleseed was an Amateur
“Seed saving has brought me a deeper appreciation of “be fruitful and multiply”
_Copper Bear
You can’t build an epic civilization on an empty stomach. And you can’t get any better food than what’s grown in Beartaria. Copper Bear has been hard at work preserving and sharing the seeds that will ensure these gardens never run out of the produce that is making us stronger, healthier, and happier. She has a scientific process where she calculates the germination rate and ensures her seeds are of the highest quality. She is working on setting up a website but for now check out her work on Beartaria Times @copperbear. She recently also started a “Beartarian Seed Ambassador” program. “Beartaria Seed Savers are seeds saved from my garden and previously purchased heirlooms. I have seeds for new gardeners and seeds for ambassadors who would like to take on a stewardship role to collect seeds and send some back for redistribution.” For details email

Especially for the bears who’ve sought out bear meetups, private message groups on Instagram, Telegram, etc, this has been a fantastic year. The real game changer is the Beartaria Times App where you will see the next level of community taking form. This year really showed us the power of our commonwealth. I’ve seen new bears that pop in to our group and show up to help another member move, or assemble a timber green house. I’ve seen people that need a place to stay find shelter with trusted bears. The culture we’re preserving here is truly amazing, and we’re just getting started. We have everything we need to begin working on our dreams. If you have any stories of legendary bears you’d like to have highlighted, we’d love to hear about them! Email the written work (a short article) and any photos to or Until next time, Keep Crushing, and may the Creator of All Things bless your homestead with a flood of gravy, goat milk, and good cheer.