With the resurgence of the beard becoming trendy over the past decade, has it, like the rainbow and unicorn, been grabbled by the enemy, or is it still the undeniable sign of, Manhood?
Goatees, Handlebars, Full, French Fork, Ducktail, Scruff, Five O-Clock Shadows, Stubbled, Fu-Man Chew, Burns, and Chops… all terms manly men use to describe their facial hair. But, with the exponential growth of Beta Men in our culture, does the beard still represent manhood? Pipe Organ Bear says, Yes! And, he is here to share how to care for that Manly Bear Beard of yours.
How to Make your own Beard Products
By Pipe Organ Bear
The art of beardcraft has been lost for many generations. In recent times, the beard has regained popularity amongst masculine, sophisticated, and intelligent men. Cosmetic companies are exploiting this trend with expensive boutique beard products marketed to recently bearded men that are new to the craft. I will teach you how to make beard products that are cheaper and higher quality than anything you can buy at a store.
Items required
- Small frying pan
- Relatively flat glass jar with wide mouth

Ingredients required
- Carrier oil (can be any of the following)
- Coconut oil
- Jojoba oil (my favorite)
- Argan oil
- Apricot kernel oil
- Butters (I use both of these)
- Coco butter
- Shea butter
- Nutrients (I use both of these)
- Vitamin E oil
- Castor oil
- Other
- Beeswax
- Essential oils for fragrance (optional)

For around one hundred dollars, you can buy a 5 to 10 year supply of all these ingredients. This equates to thousands of dollars in store bought beard oils. Also, you will know that you are using only pure and quality ingredients.
It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! (Psalm 133:3)
Types of Beard Products
Most beard products fall into 4 categories: oil, butter, balm, and wax.
Beard oil has oil and fragrance with no lotions or wax. It does not provide any styling hold, and provides minimal moisturization. It works best for people with short beards. To create a beard oil, leave out the butters and the wax.
Beard butter is like lotion for your face and beard. If you struggle with a dry beard and face this is a good option. To create a butter, leave out the wax and use extra butters. I switch from a beard balm to a beard butter in the winter to help combat the dry air.
Beard balm is an all in one solution for most beards. I usually use a balm to keep my routine simple. It contains ingredients for moisture and styling. It is best for medium or long beards as it can be too greasy for a short beard. To create a balm, use all of the ingredients listed above.
Beard wax is for styling only. If your beard is on the scraggly side a little wax can greatly improve its appearance. It is best for medium length beards. To create a wax, leave out the butters and use extra wax. More wax creates a harder product that has a stronger hold.
Explanation of ingredients
I do not use exact measurements. As you make many batches over the years, you can experiment and find the right ratios for your beard. The following is an explanation of the purpose of the listed ingredients, and what will happen when you vary their quantities.
Carrier oil
This is the main ingredient of any beard product. It’s main purpose is to provide a means to bring the other ingredients in.
These ingredients keep your face moisturized and help prevent itching. They also soften the hair. Add more butters to create a product that will feel more like lotion or hair conditioner. The more butters you add, the more of a beard butter you are creating.
These products help promote healthy hair. I add a small amount to every batch.
Beeswax adds hold to the product (for styling), and creates a barrier to lock in moisture. Beard oils and lotions do not use wax. Beard balms use a moderate amount and beard wax uses a larger amount.
If you choose to add fragrance, a few drops will do. Too much fragrance can irritate your skin, and create an overwhelming scent.
The Process
Start by adding all of the ingredients except the carrier oil to the jar.

Fill the rest of the jar with carrier oil up to the desired level.

Place the jar in the pan with water on low heat. Keep the water warm but not boiling. This will melt the mixture together.

Once the mixture has melted together, keep it in the hot water for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove the jar from the pan and allow its contents to cool. Once cooled, the beard product is ready to go. Enjoy saving money!

Article Submitted by: Daniel Digatono (Pipe Organ Bear)
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