Good evening, Beartarian Artists! This week we have a very unique gallery for you. Photography, Digital Illusion, Traditional Painting, 3D art, as well as Logo work are all included in this diverse gallery. Please check out the artist work as well as their links and show these talented Beartarians some support
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Below are November 2nd, 2020 Artists of the week!
Elmer Laahne
Elmer’s Insatgram | Elmer’s Facebook | Elmer’s Website
All «Bears» will get 50% discount on all artworkpurchases !
Born on the 3rd of February 1969, in Norway`s oldest city, the Viking town of Toensberg. I got seriously hooked on photography around the tender age of 13. At the time I constantly borrowed my father´s Canon A1 camera, as he was piloting people around the world. 10 years later I was the one flying all over the globe, not as a pilot….but with my cameras..My quest as a word wide traveling photographer has been to document the injustice towards people and cultures.
I have been a professional freelance tv camera man for 27 years. Travelling world wide, mostly in central and southern America, Africa and Asia. For Norwegian and international broadcast stations. I am named after my American god father, Elmer Merredith from the small town of West Liberty, in Iowa state. I have great love for America.
My father, had many good friends in the US. So I visited the US allot in my younger years with him and my mother. Being a photographer, an artist, and with much media experience, maybe it was not so strange that I woke up hard a few years after the 911 events in America. My father was retired as a pilot at that time, and actually he woke up to the falsehood of 911 before me.
We had great bonding and conversations with him about all things in this world. Sadly I lost him to cancer in 2007. After my awakening, my side project, photo art, took a different turn all together. I lost many friends talking about world events, every body in this movement of truth, have the same experience. To be frozen out, is both a blessing and a curse. I could never turn back to the “Disneyland” view of the world again. Pandoras box was opened. I started blogging in 2005. Both in Norwegian, and English. I met some new friends in the movement. But felt like an outsider in society, witch I never was when I was younger. Becoming a hermit of sorts..
My artworks are mostly landscapes. But in later years I have come to create more satirical works, trying to make social commentary, and sometimes bring humor into some of my works. Allot of works goes into creating my composite artworks, I always use organic elements into those works. Some works takes weeks or even longer to finish. I also have received quite a number of photo awards internationally for some of my works.
My wife and I moved to Thailand 3 years ago. We have a humble house on an island. My wife grows food, several places on the island. And in our own garden. We have been listening to Owen Benjamin for 5 years now. It has been so inspiring, and eye opening. Life changing for sure. My wife she goes under the name “NorwegianExpatBear”.
Ivan’s Insatgram | Ivan’s Youtube
Hi Bears… My name is Ivan, Croat living in Cologne – Germany, married and crushing.
I’m doing 3D animations, 3D modelling and graphics as a hobby, for now.
Discovering of flat earth changed my life, through FE I discovered Owen and idea of Beartaria, which I think is the solution to most of the problems of modern man. This is base of my 3D art, and this community is where I want to be.
Thank you, God bless.

Ula Trudnos
I love what you guys are doing and would like to become part of the community and contribute.

Molly Mattin
Molly’s Instagram | Molly’s Etsy
I’m a Central Ohio artist creating when I have the time. Loving life. Waking up. (Big thanks to my son and a shout out to BB). I dabble in illustration, sculpture, paint…whatever I can get my hands on. Thanks for the inspiration! You are a breath of fresh (unfiltered and unmasked) air.

Thank you to all the artists who sent in their work!
Contine to send in your amazing art and continue to seek the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Onward to Beartaria!
You can find out more about the Artists of the Week here.